Friday, February 12, 2021

Hamran Amrie - I Came to the Truth of Christianity by Reading the Bible

I profess to believe in the truth of the Bible and in Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Lord and Savior of mankind, through (or due to) the Qur'an.

What a miracle! But that is exactly the case.

I get the truth of this Christian teaching, not at all due to the skill or intelligence of studying the Bible first. Nor is it due to the explanation of any pastor or evangelist. This is understandable, because I myself was a Muslim, a member / administrator of Muhammadiyah, an Islamic missionary. In 1947 I was one of the pioneers / Heads of the Congress of the Muslim Ummah throughout Kalimantan in Amuntai, along with his brother KH Idham Chalid. In the year 1950-51, was as the Imam of the Army's Islamic Pusroh Army in Banjarmasin with the rank of Lieutenant-ll. Also as a Muslim writer in various Islamic magazines including: Fair Week in Solo, Weekly-Risalah Jihad in Jakarta, Weekly Anti-Communist in Bandung, and others. More than that, I was also an aggressive anti-Christian since 1936 in Muara Teweh (Barito); until 1962, he was one of those who sympathized with the establishment of an Islamic State in Indonesia, which at the same time meant anti-Christianity. Because it is not possible at all for me to be able to understand the contents of the Bible properly and naturally.

The Bible, I have had since 1936, I read the Bible not to find the truth, but only to find verses that can support my stand as an Anti-Christian Muslim, to attack the Christian faith itself.

Until the age of 40, I was a blasphemer of Jesus Christ. I do not believe or even deny the divinity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, God and Savior. The various ways I have done to humiliate reject the truth of Jesus Christ.

But so great is the Love of God, at one point I was sought, invited and saved.

In 1962, while I was compiling a sermon script, I read the verses of the Quran s.AI

Maidah 68, which reads: "Qul ya ahlal kitabi lastum'ala sya-in hatta tuqiemut taurata wa! Injil wa ma unzila alaikum min rabbikum. '' Means

:" Say it! hai Alhi Kitab. You are not in the true religion, except when you follow the Torah and the Gospel, and whatever is revealed to you from your Lord ''.

This verse, not for the first time I read, but already hundreds of times. But in the last time, God has whispered in my soul, that what is meant by "Torah and Gospel" in the verses of the Quran is the Torah-lnjil that exists in the Bible or Bijbel today.

My mind has long since said that the Torah and the Bible as referred to by the Koran are physically no longer there, and their contents have now been synthesized in the Koran. Meanwhile, the Torah of the Bible that is in the Bible today, is a fake whose contents have been torn apart by human hands, reduced and added, and so on.

The spirit of my soul always says that the Torah Gospel is what is in the Bible now is true.

My mind / brain is always saying: nothing that exists now is the Torah - a false gospel.

The spirit of my soul says: that the Torah-Gospel that is meant is what is in the Bible today.

My opinion / brain now contradicts the words of my spiritual heart. So I became doubtful, worried, which one was right.

To get peace, then I bring this problem in the prayer of tahjud (midnight prayer) with the prayer of istiharah, which is a prayer to God asking to be guided by the signs of truth, so that God chooses for me which one is true between one of these two kinds of opinions.

I pray thus:

"O Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth; the God of the Muslims, the God of the Christians, the God of the Buddhists, the God of the moon, the God of the valleys and the mountains, the God of the universe, show the signs of the truth of God mentioned in this Quran about the Torah and the Gospel.What is meant by the Torah and the Gospel that no longer exists, that has been enshrined in the Qur'an.If so, I ask God to strengthen my heart not to studying the Bible. But if what is meant by "the Torah of the Gospel" in the Quran, is indeed the truth that is in the Bible (Bible) today, I pray that God will open my heart to be more passionate about reading and studying the Bible honestly and well. "

I do not ask to be chosen by anyone, not by the clergy, nor by the Islamic scholars nor by my intelligent friends, but I ask to be chosen by Allah the All-Knowing and the All-Just, so that in this case I get a choice that really '' convinces the truth '', according to the will of God Himself.

I pray wholeheartedly, really relying on God's guidance alone to choose for me a religious truth.

Why is it so directed that I focus this hope on God. It can be understood that every religious person has a belief in the existence of life after the death of this mortal world. In the life in the realm of baqa later, there are only two places we are, namely in the punishment of the sorrow of the fire of hell, or in heaven with God. I cannot underestimate this life. If we buy gold weighing only 10 grams which is worth only a few tens of thousands, we already need such careful examination and testing, so as not to be deceived and do not regret later, whatever about our future spiritual soul, we need to be concerned think of it, examine and test its religious truth in accordance with the will of God the owner of the heavenly life alone, so that we will not regret all the time because of our own carelessness. I know and believe that the owner of heaven and hell is Allah himself. And precisely

that is, I do not ask for choice, I do not ask for advice of human judgment, either a pastor-Christian, or a Muslim scholar because they are all human beings, who certainly do not know exactly about the truth in accordance with the will of God. I have come to God, the owner of the truth, the owner of heaven itself, asking to hang on, that God Himself may guide the truth in this matter.

Praise God, all my hopes and prayers are well answered.

The sign that the truth is given with all the facts is absolutely no doubt. It should be noted, that the verses of the Quran other than the Quran s.Almaidah 68, there are still many other verses that impressed me at that time, among others;

Quran s.As Sajadah 23:

'' Wa Laqad ataina Musa 'Ikitaaba fala takun fimiryatim min liqaa-ih ..' '

(And verily We gave Moses the Bible (Torah), so do not (Muhammad) hesitate to accept it).

Quran s. Al Maidah 46:

'' Wa qaffainaa 'ala assyarihim bi' Isa 'bni Maryama mushaddi qallima baina yadaihi minat Taurati wa atai naahul Injila fieha hudan wa nurun, wa mushaddi qallima baina yadaihi minat Tauraati wa hudan wamau' 'izhatan lilmuttaqien.' '

( which means: And We followed in their footsteps with Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the Torah, and We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, and confirmed the previous Book, the Torah,

Quran s.AI Maidah 47:

Wal yachkum ahlal Injili bimaa anzala 'llahu fichi wa manllam yachkum bimaa anzala'llahu fa ulaa ika humul faasikuna.' '

( Meaning : And let the followers of the Gospel, decide matters according to what Allah has revealed in it. Whoever does not decide matters according to what Allah has revealed, then they are the wicked.

Quran s.AI Baqarah 62:

'Inna'lladzina aamanu wal ladzina haduu wan naasharaa wa shaabi iena min aamana billahi walyaumil akhl ~ i wa 'amila shalichan falahum ajruhum' indrarabbihim wa lakhaufun 'alaihim wa la hum yachzanun,' '

(meaning: Surely the believers, the Jews, the Christians and the Sabiin, whoever among them truly believes / believes in Allah, the Hereafter and do good deeds, they will receive a reward from their Lord, and neither will they. they grieve).

And there are many more verses in the Quran that show that the Bible, the Torah and the Gospel, lead to the path of truth according to the will of God.

It is these verses of the Quran that stir my mind to delve further into the truth of this biblical content as I said earlier, that God has whispered in my soul the truth of that Bible.

The next day, after I prayed Istiharah in that tahjud prayer, I felt that there was a very real change. At that time I saw the Bible as a friend, no longer an enemy. That morning I took the Bible to read with the intention of knowing exactly what it was and being honest about.

By saying "Bismillahir rahmanir rahim", in the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful, I

opened the Bible.

The verse I want to read at that time is Deuteronomy 18:15. Why is this verse my concern to read for the first time? Because this verse is what I often even use as a hammer to hit the faith of Christians, both he is a pastor and an evangelist, with the intention that they acknowledge and believe in the presence of Muhammad as a prophet prophesied by the Bible

among others in verse 18: 15 this.

In the same letter, in the same sentence, in the same language, also in the same Bible, but the meaning has changed from my previous understanding.

I really realize now, that the Bible is tightly closed, difficult for unbelievers to understand but instead it becomes clear and easy to understand for those who believe, whose hearts are filled with the Holy Spirit.

The book of Deuteronomy 18:15 reads as follows:

"A prophet from among you, from among your brethren like me, will be raised up for you by the Lord your God, whom you must listen to".

I used to interpret this verse as an indication of Muhammad's prophecy. Because in the sentence: "a prophet is like me (Moses)", it is a designation to Muhammad's prophetic identity, because:

- Moses was born with fathers, and Muhammad was born with Moses, that is, fathers. Not the same as Jesus Christ, who was born of a mother, but without a father. Moses was a big man when he was an adult, Muhammad was also a man when he was an adult, just like Moses. Not the same as Jesus Christ, who never married.

Moses was given a son; Muhammad was also given the same child as Moses. But Jesus Christ never had children, never married.

Moses, when his old man died and was buried, so did Muhammad when his old man died and was buried. But Jesus Christ never died, but ascended into heaven, and was not buried.

So it is clear that nats Deuteronomy 18:15 shows the truth of the presence of Muhammad as a prophet that Moses had prophesied, and not at all for the presence of Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ as a prophet. The presence of Jesus Christ according to the Christian faith is as the Son of God.

But that day, when I read the verse slowly and with the sincerity of heart to understand, what it really means. My time to get to the sentence "......................................

just as I am Moses). "Rohulkudus whispered in my heart (spirit) by saying, that if you want to equate it is Muhammad and Moses are both born with parents, even the whole world is the human being born with parents That is not what is meant here. So this feature can not be used as a feature of the truth of the prophecy.

Similarly, if Muhammad is considered the same as Moses, due to his adulthood he married like Moses, many people in this world perform marriages. So even this method can not be used as a feature of the truth of the prophecy for the presence of Muhammad as the prophet who was prophesied.

If Muhammad is considered the same as Moses, because he was gifted with children like Moses, even this cannot be a characteristic that determines the truth of that prophecy, because many people in this world are gifted with children.

If Muhammad at the end of his life died and was buried, it is considered the same as Moses dying and being buried is considered a feature of the truth of that prophecy. It is also unacceptable to be used as an excuse for this similarity, because everyone in this world is indeed dead and buried. Even dying and being buried is not a characteristic at all.

The prophecy of Moses refers to the presence of Jesus Christ, therefore, look for the similarities between Moses and Jesus Christ in unique things - Unique - extraordinary.

Indeed, there are many similarities between Jesus and Moses, in unique and special ways that are not the same as most other people, for example:

* Because Moses was born, Pharaoh went berserk, boys aged 2 years and under were killed. Likewise, because Jesus was born, Herod rampaged boys who were two years old and under were also killed. In the whole world, only these two individuals are truly the same thing.

* Moses in his childhood was outside of the land of his own blood, which is in Egypt. Likewise there is a similarity with Jesus, that in his childhood Jesus was also on the run in the land of Egypt outside of his own homeland. Not all children had to leave their childhood Egypt.

* Moses while carrying out his career as a prophet who was sent by God received the power of God, known as miracles, as well as Jesus in his career as the Living Word, received God's Power in the form of miracles of healing and bringing the dead to life.

* Moses freed the Israelites from the bondage bondage of the Egyptians, and Jesus also freed the Israelites from bondage to sin slavery.

So with the many evidences that show these unique similarities, I can conclude with confidence that the prophecy mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15, is not to point to Muhammad's presence as a prophet prophesied, but to point to his presence. Jesus Christ as Savior, the Living Word.

Despite God's great love, it gave me a sign of the truth of the Bible as the Divine Book, but I did not immediately become a Christian.

Why! ! !

Because there are still things that I have not been able to accept some Christian teachings regarding faith especially I can not say that Jesus is the Son of God. Because I have been taught since childhood and then I myself have taught, that "God does not give birth, and is not born" (................ Iam yalid wa lam yulad .. )

Also I do not call Jesus God. Because I have been taught, then I have also taught, that "There is no god but Allah" (La ilaha illallah).

I also cannot understand the meaning of the Triune God. Because I have been taught and have also taught, that "It is an unbeliever who says that Allah is the third of the three." (Laqad kafaral ladzina qalu innallaha syalisyu syalaasyaht).

Nor can I accept the argument that Jesus did die on the cross. If Jesus or Isa Almasih was a prophet messengers of Allah's lover, whatever Christians say "Son of God", it was so easy and free for the Jews to persecute and crucify him to death, why did Allah not defend him, instead let his lover or His son died by hanging on the cross. If I see my own child being tortured by someone, even if I want to be hanged or crucified, surely the person who was persecuting me who wants to crucify it, I will go all out to defend my child, whatever happens. Is it true that Allah Himself has no authority towards the Jews? At this time, I really didn't or couldn't accept it.

To get this explanation, indeed I have come to several pastors or evangelists to get an explanation, why Jesus is called the Son of God, why Jesus is called God. What is the meaning of the Triune God? Why did Jesus the Son of God die on the cross by the Jews. Also the matter of Inherited Sins dogma which I consider God's unjust law.

In general, these pastors did provide answers and information on this matter, quite true, but for me at that time I could not receive the information that was expressed at that time satisfactorily. This is due to differences in different backgrounds, which are so far away, that it has never been examined where the differences actually lie, and to seek a common understanding in these different matters. It is necessary to look for a common ground for the misunderstanding of these different meanings.

I can take this for example, that at that time, for example, a radio was the recipient, and a priest, for example, Zender, was the sender. Although both are in good condition, due to different waves of the receiver and sender, the receiver cannot pick up the voice of the announcer's broadcast.

What the pastor and evangelist described was only heard in the left ear out the right ear because I couldn't understand exactly what the pastor was describing. Likewise what I mean, the pastor himself could not understand exactly what I meant, until the explanation was beyond what I expected. Once again I explain that this is not because the pastor's description is wrong, not incorrect, but because of the different ways of thinking and way of describing it, causing each other to not understand each other's meaning.

But I didn't give up at all.

I still believe that if for the first time God has helped me, choosing the truth for me, surely God will still open the way for me, surely God will give the Spirit.

His truth for me to fully understand what was my stumbling block. Because of that I always pray:

"Lord, please help God Himself reveal the truth of what is meant by the words" Son of God "and the title" God "for Jesus Christ. Likewise I ask God to reveal the meaning of the understanding of the Trinity and the Secret of the Cross for Jesus Christ, if God has given a sign that the Bible is the true Divine Book, then surely all that has become my stumbling block will God express his understanding through the Bible, as the Word of God that has never changed from the past to the present, even for eternity, until the end of nature. "

Indeed !!!

For the umpteenth time, God has helped me with His spirit of truth, namely the Holy Spirit working in my heart.

How can God's help reveal all of my stumbling blocks, let me explain all of this on this occasion:

1. JESUS ​​is called the SON of God

In the Gospel of John 1: 1 and 14 it says:

"In the beginning was the Word: the Word was together with God and the Word is God ". (verse-1) "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, namely the glory given to Him as the Only Begotten of the Father, full of love, grace and truth (verse: 14).

In the text of this verse it is revealed that the meaning of Jesus is called "Son of God". is from the things of the Word of God which became flesh in the birth of Jesus Christ. In other words, Jesus is also said to be "the Living Word 'as mentioned in 1 John 1

So it is clear that Jesus is called the Son of God, it does not mean that God has a biological child as often interpreted by people, even I thought that at first, even though the Word of God had stated in the birth of Jesus the Nazarene or Almasih Isa Ibn Maryam.

The meaning of the Bible scriptures was witnessed to its truth by Muhammad himself who said:

"Isa faa innahu Rohullah wa Kalimatuhu'- (Isa is truly the Spirit of Allah and His Word). (Hadith Anas bin Malik - Mutiara Hadith page 353).

Quran s.An Nisaa 171 says:

"Innamal Masihu 'Isa bnu Maryam ~ Rasululahi wa Kalimatuhu alqahaa ila Maryama wa Rohu, minhu ..-'

(Indeed Almasih Isa ibn Maryam, is the Messenger of Allah and His Word which He poured out on Maryam and Spirit rather than

Him ) - Regarding the word "Sentence" or the Word of God which became the body of Jesus, Drs. Hasbullah Bakry in his book entitled- "Prophet Isa in Al-Quran enz" page 109 says:

"Nabl Isa is called the Kalimah of Allah (The Living Word - pen), because he is the incarnation of the Word of Allah which was addressed to Maryam to conceive. Prophet Isa ".

Therefore now I will not at all hesitate to say that Jesus is "the Son of God",

If I used to deny that Jesus is called "the Son of God", it is due to the meaning of "Son" here biologically, humanly.

Nats Al-Quran s.Al Ikhlas which says: ".................. He is the One God ... does not have children and is not born .." which is often presented by the Islamic missionaries at that time, as an argument to deny that God has a child as well as the Christian faith by saying "Jesus is the Son of God". In fact, Christian teaching itself can fully accept this verse completely, because Christian teaching itself never says that "Allah has a son" in a biological sense, which the Quran calls the term "walad".

As for Jesus, being called "the Son of God" is in the sense of mutuality, namely the Word of God who lives in Jesus Christ, - not in the sense of "walad", but in the sense of "ibn".

In this matter I want to make sure that not a single verse from the Koran explicitly rejects the above biblical teaching regarding the title "Son of God" for Jesus Christ. What Al Quran rejects is if Jesus is considered the Son of God in the sense of walad, that is, a biological, humanitarian child.


Why is Jesus called "God". As I explained earlier, that I am totally unable to say "Jesus is God", or say "Lord Jesus". Because from a young age I was taught and then I taught that "La ilaha illallah '- (there is no God but Allah).

Is Jesus called God, because He was born without a father? No! Because Adam was also born without father or even without mother, Adam was never is called “God.”

Or, is it because Jesus performed miracles? Nor is this either. Because Moses also performed many miracles, Moses was never called God.

Is it because Jesus was able to cure leprosy and raise the dead? This is also not the case. Because Elisha could heal lepers and raise the dead, Elisha was not called God.

Or is Jesus called God, because He mikraj ascended to heaven, Elijah also mikraj ascended to heaven, Elijah is not called God.

If so, why is Jesus called God.

Jesus is called God, natsnya can be a living brother as I have described before, which is found in the Gospels of John 1: 1 and 14, that the Word or God has become man in the birth of Jesus Christ. That is why in 1 John 1: 1 it is also said, that: Jesus is the "Living Word".

In other words, the term "God has become incarnate" is often used.

The word "incarnate" or any world word, which is associated with "Allah", may not be translated or taken in a dictionary or worldly sense.

For example: "God exists", Man also exists. The word "being" which is associated with Allah has a different meaning from the word "being" which is associated with humans.

There are for Allah, different in structure and exist for humans. Being for Allah, is because it exists by itself, the obligatory substance of existence, but it exists for humans because it is created - created.

Likewise with the word "incarnate" for Allah, it should not be translated - interpreted - in the dictionary of the world's languages.

According to the world language dictionary, if a cat incarnates as an elephant, it means that the cat is gone, there is only an elephant. If a stone turns into gold, then the stone is no more, all there is is gold.

All of this is the meaning of "incarnate" according to the existing world language dictionary. But the word "incarnate" is associated with God, that is not the meaning. The incarnation associated with God does not bring about change, because God does not change (Malachi 3: 6). God incarnate as a human being, does not mean that God no longer exists, that there are only human beings. Such an opinion is not true. Remember! God does not change. God incarnate as a human being, then God remains, and man also exists. So the word "incarnate" we use is just an analogy word, a word that is merely simulated, just assumed, but still not interpreted in a carnal way the world language, everyday language.

God incarnate as a human being, meaning God has revealed himself ,; states its existence, reveals its work and so on in the visible human person, in this case in Jesus Christ. This we can live what Jesus said.

"that the Father is in Me and I in the Father". (John 10: 38b)

"I and the Father are one" (John 10:30)

"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father". (John 14: 9b).

The Apostle Paul said:

"For in Him (Jesus, penlies, dwells in all the fullness of God." (Colossians

2: 9) The

second verse which states that Jesus is "God", we can read in Matthew 28:18, Jesus

said: "

The Apostle Paul said:

"He (Jesus, pen), head of all governments and authorities." (Colossians 2:10).

The meaning of the word or the term "God", the original Greek is: Kyrios. Hebrew: Yehova. English Lord, Arabic, Rabb, all of which mean `` ruler '' of

Allahu Rabbul 'alamin, meaning: Allah is the Ruler (God) of the universe. "... innallaha ja'ala Yasu'a hadza'lladzi shalabtumuhu antum Rabba wa Masichan" ... Allah has made the Jesus whom you crucified is God and Christ ". (A'malul-Rasuli - Acts 2 : 36). Here there is a clear difference between the term "ALLAH" and the term "LORD". Allah and God are indeed one. There is no such thing as God, except only Allah.

GOD, in Hebrew it is said E'loah or El'ohim in Greek: Theo. English: God, Arabic: Allah.

It is a personal form or an alkaline Person, the creator of the universe.

GOD in Hebrew: Yahova in Greek is said to be Kyrios. English; Lord. Arabic: Rabb. English: God. Meaning: The ruler is the functional of God, the authority of God.

The Godhead of God, or the authority of God, in Christology there are three, namely: 1) Creating, (2) Speaking, and (3). Guide, give taufik and guidance. The Lord God speaks, and the Lord God guides us in Jesus Christ personally. And that is why Jesus is said to be the "Living Word" and "Savior".

Jesus as the Living Word implements the God of God speaking and the savior, and that is why Jesus is made "God 'by God. (Acts 2:36, Colossians 2:10). The Bible says:"... on earth and in heaven to Jesus. "(read the full Matthew 28: 1Cool!

Lord Jesus, means that Jesus is the ruler, the one who has the power to save perfectly, Jesus the Savior of us all, the Living Word.

Jesus warns:

" I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me ”(John 14: 6).

It should be noted, that the stumbling block I can not call Jesus God, is because I have been taught and taught, that: "La ilaha illallah" (There is no God, except Allah).

This translation is not quite correct. The exact translation of the meaning: "La ilaha illallah" is: 'There is no god except Allah ". If so, then it is not at all against the Bible. Because in Exodus 20: 3 it says this: You must not have another God (god) before Me. ". Because of that I can emphasize that the Lordship of Jesus is summed up in the testimony of Muhammad who

said 'Isa faa innahu Rohullah wa Kalimatuhu': (Jesus is truly the Spirit of Allah and His Word).


Christian monotheism, this term sounds strange, because it is rarely used in terms of Christian theology.

Christian monotheism, which means Christian teachings to recognize the understanding of the oneness of the Triune God.

People often argue about the oneness of the Triune God, which has become the Christian faith, which in general is still poorly understood by our brothers who have Islamic education backgrounds.

Almighty Allah


Every Muslim, believes in the existence of One Almighty Allah, known in the Science of Tawheed Islam is a problem that cannot be changed, anything to be eliminated.

Meanwhile, in the Christian faith, there is also a similar belief. Christians always say that there is an Almighty God, or God Almighty.

The question arises, are Islamic and Christian views on the meaning of the Almighty God the same?

Yes, it is the same. In the teachings of Islam, the Oneness of Allah is explained in the Quran among others QS Al Ikhlas 1, Qs.AI Baqarah 163, QS. Almaidah 73 b, et al.

Meanwhile in the Bible it is described about the Oneness of God, among others:

Isaiah 45: 5 I am God and there is no other, except I have no God ".

John 17: 3 This is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and know Jesus Christ whom You have sent. "

1 Cor 8: 4b ......... and nothing Allah is other than the One God ". 1 Cor 8: 6 "... for us there is only one God, namely the Father, from whom shall come all things for whom we live ..."

Looking at this biblical statement nats, then I sarma sekaii no longer worry, that my stance or my own beliefs once as a Muslim, and now as a Christian, does not bring any changes at all about the Oneness of God. . In other words, that although I now declare myself as a Christian, it does not mean that I have abandoned the teachings of Tawhid or rejected the truth of the Almighty God, in fact I feel more purifying

So I can assure you that it is not true what people think that Christianity is raping the teachings of Tawhid, rejecting the Oneness of Allah. In fact, I can assure you that Christian teachings really purify the teachings of the Unity in the Almighty of Allah. Christian monotheism is pure and supreme.

We can test this problem. And please pay attention to the description of the syirk problem below.

The Problem of Shirk


In Islamic teachings, the problem of shirk is a matter that needs to be paid close attention to, so that the acknowledgment of Allah is blameless. Likewise in Christian teaching. This problem needs attention.

Syirk, in Islamic teachings is an unforgivable sin. That is why I have really paid attention to the problem of Syirk in this comparative religion effort, I have always studied carefully whether Christian teaching itself contains elements of this shirk.

At first I found a Bible passage which reads: "Don't have you Another Allah (god) before Me. Do not make for you an image that resembles anything .. Do not bow down to him or worship him. " (Exodus 20: 3-5)

In the Letter of 1 John 5:21 warns "Little children, beware of idols."

Regarding this problem of idols must be determined how something is called "idol" Because not every statue is said to be an idol, All these things will become idols or have been idolized, if against it people perform an act of worship, prostration and hanging please pray to it.

Including shirk is also the law, which believes in the supernatural sciences of fortune-tellers, fortune-tellers in various ways / means of spells with the tools of incense and incense as a means of summoner or guide of the spirits of the dead.

The Bible strongly warns us not to get involved, but to stay away from this knowledge of witchcraft, as it is written in Deuteronomy 18: 10-13 which reads as follows:

"Among you shall not find anyone who offers his son or daughter as a sacrifice in the fire, or one who is a sorcerer, a fortune teller, a fortune teller, a sorcerer, a sorcerer or one who inquires of the spirits or the spirits of fortune tellers or one who asks for guidance to the dead. For every person who does these things is an abomination to God, and by this abomination of abomination the Lord your God drives them away from before you. You shall live blameless before the Lord your God ". (Deuteronomy 18: 10-13)

On this issue of shirk I can conclude that:

1. Absolute Christianity recognizes that God is One. Only to the One True God is everyone obligated to worship and be devoted. Doing otherwise is a serious sin. (Read: Luke 4: 8, Matthew 4:10, Deuteronomy 6:13, Joshua 24: 14-15, etc.

2. In realizing this Oneness of God , the teachings of Christian monotheism, do not allow the existence of other gods in the presence of God in any form, such as carvings in all forms, idols in the form of buildings or man-made or natural stones, even with the mention of the Ka'bah of the house of God. , whether white, red or black, is not allowed to prostrate in front of or under it as a worship service (Read: Exodus 20: 3-5).

3. A good Christian according to the Bible, he will refrain from doing or believing in the prophecies or spells of the shamans, amulets, even if they are made of any Scripture, burning incense and incense as a summoner and repellent of spirits the dead and others. He must be free from the fear of superstitious influences, the spirits of darkness. (Read: Deuteronomy 18: 10-13).

4. An Alkitabiyah Christian does not need to be afraid, nor will he even worry about the influence of evil spirits or something that can be interpreted as supernatural powers, dark powers. In many cases the Bible has stated that the power of Christ subjected all the power of the evil spirits and submitted to it, so the evil spirits should have been subject to Christian followers of Christ (Read: John 14:12, Mark 16:17). , and others) .

5. Christians will not look at certain objects, for example, stone rings, kris, amulets and other such things as if they have special supernatural powers. The special efficacy for Christian teaching is only the Spirit of God: namely the Rohulkudus (Read: Romans 14: 17-18 and others.).

6. Both fear, anxiety, anxiety, and other necessities of life, for every Christian, are something that needs to be brought into the presence of God with prayer, because only He can understand our true needs and can fulfill our Prayers. (Ps. 5: 3, Matt. 6: 25-34; Matt. 7: 7-Cool.

Not to the holy graves, nor to the graves of the prophets.

Finally, I can confidently believe and believe that this is Tauhid Kristiani..Tauhid the best and purest.


Before I accepted my repentance in Jesus Christ, this problem of the Trinity doctrine became an obstacle. It even becomes a stumbling block for many people. This is only due to a misunderstanding of the teachings of this Christian faith.

I have found the teaching and truth of the meaning of "Triune God", which in no way violates the meaning of the Tauhid of the Oneness of God itself.

Quran s.AI Maidah 73 which says: "Surely it is the people who say that Allah is the third, of the three." (Original text: Laqad kafaral ladzina qaalu innal laha shalisyu syalaasyht ........... " Also the Quran s.An Nissa 171c says:

"Do not say that Allah is Three" (wa la taqulu shalasyht).

These verses of the Quran are often quoted by our Muslim brothers, including myself in the past, as a pretext to reject the Trinity that is embraced by the Christian faith.

These verses of the Quran clearly reject the understanding of Tritheism (the Third God) and do not reject the understanding of the Triune God (Trinity) of the Christian faith.

For Christians, this verse of the Quran is highly valued because Christian teachings also oppose every understanding in the form of Polytheism in which it includes the understanding of this Tritheism, which is the understanding of the divine nature. In addition, Christian teachings also oppose the notions of Atheism Pantheism.

The Bible has outlined the belief in God thus: "Shema Israel! Hear, O Israel; verily God is our God. God is One." Deuteronomy 6: 4

In Isaiah 45: 5 it says, "I am the Lord, and there is no other. I am no God."

In the Gospel of John 17: 3 it says: "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

There is not the slightest possibility that the confession of the Triune God, contrary to the Almighty God, does not mean that the Three Gods are united in one, as people often interpret.

The formula of the Triune God is often written by people with the numbers: 1 = 3, 3 = 1,

1 = 3, which is ONE substance of Allah, in the THREE Powers of God, (The Three Powers of God, are: (1) Creating, (2) Speaking, and (3) Acting, (Helping, guiding, giving taufik, and guidance Creating, in other words is called "Father". Speaking, in other words it is called "Son". Guiding, in other words it is called "Holy Spirit".

3 = 1, i.e. THREE Divine persons (Father, Son and Holy Ghost), is ONE form of the Supreme and Almighty God.

Further description of the Triune God can be further explained as follows:

(1) GOD alkhalik, in other words called "Father" is as the creator of the universe, (comparable to the adjective "Qadirun = Powerful" in Islamic teachings).

(2) THE WORD, in other words called "Son" which became the human body in the birth of Jesus, as the living Word, to convey the laws of God, the will of God, to declare the promises of God, etc. to the people human, speaking in human language. (Comparable to the nature of "Muridun = Willing" in the teachings of Islamic monotheism).

(3) THE SPIRIT OF GOD, in other words called "Rohulkudus", which gives Taufik and Hidayaht (help and guidance of the Spirit of Truth) to the people who believe and fear Him. (Comparable to the nature: "Hawun = Life" in Islamic teachings).

The three elements above (Father, Son / Word and Holy Spirit) are described individually as individuals (comparable to the term "Nature" in Islamic teachings) are One in the form of the substance of God, which is inseparable from each other, equal in power and eternal the former or the latter between one and the other.

Father, Son / Word and Holy Spirit, can be pronounced in one word, namely: "GOD". In the Arabic Bible it is said: "Bismil Ulbi wal ibni wal Ruhulqudusi (In the name of the Father and the Son and Rohulkudus). Aba, Ibni, Rohulkudusi = Allah. In Arabic it can be read briefly:" Bismillah '. This Bismillah word contains the Tri-element of the Christian faith.

With the arrangement of sentences other forms can still be further explained as follows:

1. GOD is called "Father", is in His activity as alkhalik, creator of the universe, Almighty. (Qadirun = Powerful).

2. GOD is also, called "Son" or in other words called "Word" (John 1:14), or "Living Word" (1 John 1: 1), is in His activity as a warner / command to set huku, expressing the will, expressing the promises of God to mankind. This Son or Word has become flesh in the form of man, namely the birth of Jesus Christ (disciple = will).

3. That same GOD, not the other God, is said to be "Rohulkudus" or the Spirit of truth, is in his activity as the giver of Taufik and Hidayaht, leading Christians spiritually leading to truth, eternal life (Hayyun = Life).

Therefore, the mention of "God the Father" or "God the Son", or "Allah Rohulkudus" does not at all refer to the meaning of the number of three Gods, even though there are three times being called the name of Allah, but God is still only One, nothing more.

Different designations, only show the existence of different activities, namely:

a. called "Father" or "God the Father" is the alkhalik, creator of the universe, the Almighty (Qadirun).

b. being called "Son" or "God the Son" is the living Word, speaking to humans in human language (Disciples).

c. called "Rohulkudus" is as the giver of Taufik and Hidayaht, spiritual guides of mankind who believe,

So it is clear that the oneness of the Triune God in Christian faith does not at all mean raping the teachings of Tawheed, nor is it interpreted as a unit consisting of several Gods or several Gods, as people often misinterpret.

The Koran in no way opposes or rejects this understanding of the Triune God of the Christian faith. Which is rejected by the Quran as mentioned in Qs. Al-Maidah 73, or Qs. An Nisaa 171, is the concept of the Third God or Tritheism. Christian teachings also reject the ideology of Tritheism or the Three Gods.

Therefore rest assured that there is not a single verse of the Quran against the "Triune God" of this Christian faith.


Surah An Nisa 157 says:

"-and because of their saying: 'Indeed we have killed Christ Jesus son of Maryam a Messenger of Allah, when they did not kill him and did not crucify him, except those who were likened to him. Indeed those who disagreed about (the murder) of Jesus are true- right in the doubts about the murdered. "

Nats Quran, used in general by Muslim missionaries including myself once upon a time in my position as an Islamic missionary to deny the truth that Jesus Christ died on the cross.

I was of the opinion that it was impossible for a lover of Allah to be His apostle, Allah Himself - 'did not provide the slightest protection, instead allowing Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross. Whatever the Christians say, that Jesus is the Son of God, it is impossible if God the Father did not provide the slightest protection.

After I believed that the Bible was supported by its truthfulness by the Koran as I was inspired by the verse Qs. Al Maidah 68 and others, the issue of "Jesus' death on the cross", I need to review, investigate honestly, both from what is written in the Quran, and what is proclaimed in the Bible,

So finally I can draw a convincing conclusion as follows:

1. According to the Quran, it turns out that there has been an incident of "someone has been crucified and died 'but it is not certain who died. The

Quran denies that the dead is Jesus Christ, or Some say that the one who was crucified and died was Yahuza or Judas

2. According to the Quran it is also said that some people did say with certainty that they had indeed "killed Jesus".

Now I have to look for evidence convincing, who exactly was crucified and died, Jesus or someone else.

To obtain this information, we must look for evidence of an objective historical documentation. This is the Bible, is an open documentation that can be a source of information.

The story of Jesus' death on the cross, contained in the four Gospels, each of which was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The testimonies of the 4 gospel writers are eye witnesses that they have seen and experienced themselves. If we stand by the legal requirement that the testimony of 2 or 3 people who saw themselves in an incident, it is sufficient that something is confirmed as legally correct. (Deuteronomy 17: 6--7). Therefore, the testimony of the 4 gospel writers, which each of them saw for themselves about the fact that Jesus was crucified and died, is a true and valid testimony and ensures that the truth can be trusted

Another testimony can also be added, that when Jesus was pronounced dead by the commander of the troops, Yusuf Arimatea came to Pontius Pilate to ask for the body to be buried. The request was granted (Mark 15: 41-46). If it was not Jesus who came down from the Cross, Yusuf Arimathea would have rejected it or gave information about its untruth.

Another evidence is that the Jews asked Pontius to guard the grave of Jesus. This request was granted. If it were not Jesus who was buried, it would not be possible for the Jews to protect His grave. This happened, because Jesus had said that on the third day He would rise again among the dead.

Another proof, that if the crucifixion was not Jesus, it is not possible for Him to utter loving words as the original nature of Jesus, for example: "Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing and the sentence:" It is Enough " (Tetelestai). This all proves that the crucified is none other than Jesus Christ himself.

Thus, I come to the convincing conclusion that "the crucified and the dead" as reported in the Quran s. An Nisaa 157, is beyond doubt. , is Jesus himself, not someone else, not Jahuza, nor Judas.Because the eyewitness testimony of the 4 Gospel writers is quite convincing, valid and true.

Resurrection of Jesus among the dead

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Regarding the event of Jesus' resurrection from his death, the Koran never denies it.

According to the Qur'an, Muhammad received a revelation regarding the words of Jesus thus:

"Save myself when you are born and when you die and when you rise again to life." Qs Maryam 33). Original text. 'Wassalamu'ala yauma walidtu wayauma amutu wa yauma ub'asyu Hayya. "

The word" ub'asyu hawa "(rising life) is a real-estate life after death (amutu) the real estate --pula.

With These scriptures can convince me that Jesus did experience a real death - even though his death was denied on the cross and rose to life again, (ub'asyu hawa).

Jesus came to life on the third day among the dead in a real - real - glorified bodily resurrection (Philippians 3:21), which can be seen and touched.

Jesus' death would be nothing if it was not sustained by the Resurrection of Life among the dead.

If Jesus, who was crucified, died and continued to die, it would be a great blow to the Christian faith, because His Lord died. And surely Christianity will not be able to stand firm until now, because there is no hope of what can be expected for the salvation of its followers in the heavenly realm.

If Jesus died and continued to die, and even now there is a grave for what is the faith of Christians as godly people? For what are Christians baptized in the name of the dead. Why do Christians ask the dead for intercession. And it does not even make sense, if now Christians, make the dead to be their saviors, while observing himself is not saved, he is in the grave.

But because of God's love, that Jesus was crucified not to die to die, but to die to live again, and indeed lives forever and everlasting to the end of nature.

The resurrection of Jesus, to come back to life among the dead, was not in a delusion, but in reality that many people could see and witness.

Jesus' death and resurrection are at the heart of the Church's worldwide testimony. We now have hopeful faith. We have a Savior who lives forever until the end of time. We have a faith based on love. We have become heirs to the promises of God along with Christ. Suffering together, also glorified together with Him. (Romans 8:17).

Therefore, be assured that we as followers of Christ will be resurrected from all kinds of death:

= We will be raised from the happy death of the household.

= We will be resurrected from the death of the sustenance of living sustenance from day to day.

= We will be resurrected from the death of a weak and troubled heart.

= We will be raised from the death of a lukewarm faith.

= We will be raised from the death of love.

= We will be raised from death from all kinds of things that grip the soul, from all worries, from all the sufferings of life, all the suffering of illnesses, and so on.

What the Cross of Christ means to us.

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Apostle Peter wrote down his inspiration as follows:

By His wounds you have been healed. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls ”(1 Peter 2: 12-25).

The cross, which is connected with the person of Jesus, is the culmination of His passion.

Dying on the cross, is not something that is desirable, even though it is according to the destiny of God's plan. Because the problem of Jesus' passion was prophesied in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah 53: 1-12. And Jesus himself had realized that the prophecy would be fulfilled above himself as the Servant of God which was meant by the prophecy.

That is why Jesus said in the face of this tribulation, to someone who joined Jesus in the struggle, He said: "Put the sword back into its sheath, for whoever uses it will be destroyed by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot shout?" to my Father, that he would send me more than twelve legions of angels to help me? If so, how will it be fulfilled that which is written in the Scriptures, that it should be so? " (Matthew 26: 52-54).

Jesus was crucified by the rulers - Priests - Jews, not because He did something Crime to sin in violation of the Law. He was punished by the rulers of the Jewish priests, because of His teaching to save mankind from the power of sin, and also because He affirmed (claim) Himself the Son of God, the Messiah, the Lord the Savior.

From the above description it can be concluded that the symbol of the cross, is to remind us every Christian, that Jesus suffered and has been a sacrificial death - on the cross, because of His preaching to save us all from the power of sin, so that we have the right eternal life in the heavenly realm.

Jesus ascends to heaven (mikraj)


Jesus' ascension to heaven (mikraj) was witnessed by His eleven disciples outside the city near Bethany. (Luke 24:50) Regarding the event of Jesus' ascension to heaven (mikraj) there is no Quranic objection, in fact supported by the verses of the Quran s.Ali Imran 55 which among others says:

'Idz qalallahu ya' Isa inni mutawaffika wa rafi'uka. . ''

(Remember when Allah said: O Jesus that I died for you, and raised you to me ......)

In the event of Jesus 'ascension to heaven there are two problems that we need to note:

1. Jesus' message to His disciples , that also to all of us who are followers of Christ today, namely:

a. Go into all the world, preach the Gospel of Salvation, make disciples


b. Baptize them in the name of the Triune God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

c. Teach them what Jesus taught, namely Christ in particular, and the Bible in general.

2. The promise of Jesus, that he will give the Holy Spirit Power to His disciples, which also means that we who are His disciples or followers of Christ today, to testify to the truth of Jesus the Son of God, the Word of the Living, and be with us all. for eternity Yes, until the end of nature.

The second coming of Jesus.

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coming of Jesus for the second time to be a just judge, judging the living and the dead is preached in Acts 1: 11 and Revelation 20: 11-15.

The arrival of Jesus at the end of this age to become a just judge has become a belief for Muslims in general, because in several hadiths of Bukhari and Muslims, this problem is reported. Among other things, it can be noted as follows:

1. Hadith Bukhari from Abu Hurairah, Volume 11, page 256:

"Kaifa antum idzalabna Manyama fikum wa imaamukum min kum." (How are you, if Ibn Maryam stepped down to become a priest rather than you.)

2. Hadith from Musnad Imam Ahmad ibd. Hambal, volume 11 - page 411:

'Yu syiku min' asya minkum an balqa 'Isa Ibna Maryama imama mahdiya wa hakama' adlan. "(From you will meet Isa ibn Maryam as the Mahdi priest and just judge).

3. The Prophet Muhammad himself once vowed to ensure that Isa Almasih ibn Maryam would return to be a Just Judge.

Muhammad said:

"Wallaha liyunzilna ibna Maryama hakuman 'adlan." (By Allah, verily will come down (come) the son of Maryam as a just judge). (Muslim Hadith volume I - Page 76)

This Hadith lecture is to announce the coming of Isa Almasih for the second time (end of time). The word '' judgment '' (being a judge), signifying that the second coming of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ), is not as the Prophet brought a treatise or religious law, with the Quran or the Bible (Torah-lnjil), which is in force now, but only he descended as Judge among all the judges of this ummah, with a new book, called "Kitab al-Hayat" (Revelation 20: 11-15).

Nats from the authentic Hadiths of Bukhari-Muslim above, can be compared to the Bible, Romans 2:16 which reads thus:

"It will be seen in the day when God, according to the gospel I preach, will judge all things hidden by human hearts by Christ Jesus." , "(Romans 2:

Therefore there is no compelling reason for me to hesitate to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, as well as to look forward to the second coming of Jesus Christ, as a just Judge.

Upon becoming a follower of Christ, the Quran testified as follows:

"Idz qala'llahu ya 'Isa inni mutawaffika, wa raafi uka ilayya wa muthahhiiruka minal ladzina kafaruu wa yaa' ilul ladzinat taba'uka fauqal ladzina kafaruu ilaa yaumil giaamaht ..... .......... ':

(Remember when Allah said: "O Jesus that I die you, lift you up to Me, cleanse you from the disbelievers, and make those who follow you above those who do not believe until the Day of Resurrection. "

It is clear that the Qur'an testifies that Christ's followers are guaranteed salvation, in this case Eternal Life in the heavenly realm, as Jesus himself said:

"I say to you: Whoever hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me, he has it. eternal life and will not be punished because it has moved from death to life. " (John 5:24).

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. "(John 14: 6).


As described at the beginning of this testimony, that the first start that stimulated me to investigate the truth of the Bible (Bible) was due to one of the verses of the Quran, namely s. Almaidah 68 which says that the Bible (the Torah and the Gospel) is the true Book for those who are religious in truth according to the will of God.

There are several verses in the Quran that are often used by Islamic missionaries and also by myself considering my position as an Islamic missionary, which is interpreted as proof that the Bible (Torah and Gospel) has been falsified, altered here and there by hand dirty-ignorant man.

I now want to carefully understand the true meaning of these Quranic verses properly, just as I want to understand the proper contents of the Bible.

With a full sense of honesty, I tried to check again to what extent the truth is meant by the verses (nats) of the Quran. Finally I can give a conclusion as follows:

1. Quran s. Al Baqarah 75.

"Do you still expect them to believe in you, even though a group of them hear the word of Allah, then they change it after they understand it, while they know."

Generally Muslims say their interpretation that what is meant by "a group of them" (friqun minhum), are the scribes (Jews / Christians) who have changed the word of God, in this case they mean to change the text of the Torah and the Gospel (Bible) -Bible).

In my research, the meaning of Quranic verses s. Baqarah 75 is not like that. What is meant by "a group of them", is the Muslims themselves who come from the followers of Judaism / Christianity, then they (this group) again reject. Islam after they found out what Muhammad's teachings really were. By the Quran, they are accused of changing the meaning - its interpretation - of the Quran itself, so it is not Al-kitab (Torah / lnjil).

This can clearly be understood from the meaning of the verse which says: " you (meaning: Muhammad), still expect them to believe in you". "You" or "to you" here, is clearly meant to be Muhammad. But then they (the Jews / Christians) who had already professed to believe in the prophethood of Muhammad, they rejected / left Islam, then they were accused of changing the meaning - hearing - the verses of the word of Allah (in this case is the Quran itself) further they are also accused of fools, braggarts, illiterate and so on.

What is clear is that this verse of the Quran is not at all addressed to the people of the book (Jews / Christians) nor does it say that the Bible (Torah-lnjil) has been altered, but even the Quran itself.

2. Quran s. Al Baqarah 106.

"Whatever verse we nasokh-kan (delete) or We make (man) forget it, We bring something better than it or something similar ....".

The word "verse" which is omitted (deleted) in the nats of the Quran s. Al Baqarah this, also generally they mean "Bible / Torah-lnjil".

But from some books of interpretation / translation of the Quran almost agree to say that the meaning of "verse that which is abolished / deleted "here the meaning is that there are some verses of the Quran itself that has been abolished. Even according to the book At Tadjdid fil Islam says that at least 5 to 500 verses in the Quran have been abrogated.

There are also those who argue that the meaning of the "verse that was abolished", is about the miracle of Muhammad means that Muhammad as a prophet and apostle received the revelation of God no longer has the power of God to perform miracles as did the previous prophets, such as Moses and Jesus Christ.

So it is also clear that the meaning of nats Quran s. Al Baqarah 106 is also not relevant to be a proof to reject the truth of its existence as the Bible as the Divine Book which is the basis of truth for everyone to practice the true religion.

3. Quran s. Al Maidah 13.

"...... because they broke their promise, We cursed them, and We made their hearts hard. They liked to change the word (of) Allah from its place and they (deliberately) forgot some of what they had been warned of, and you (Muhammad) will always see treachery from them, except a few of them who are not treacherous ''

The word "they" in the Quran s. Al-Maidah 13 these usually they deliberately add in parentheses: (People of the Book) or (Jews) / Christian) and delete while the meaning of the sentence: "They like. Change the word (word) of God from its place ...." they mean the Bible or Torah / lnjil has been exchanged and deleted / changed its truth.

In fact, this verse is the same as the Quran s. Al Baqarah 75 is also addressed to the Muslims who are followers of Muhammad himself where the life of Muhammad himself, who was originally from Judaism / Christianity, returned to his religion again (rejecting Islam). By the Quran, they are accused of betraying the word of Allah, in this case it is the Quran itself. They rejected the truth of Islam, after they knew the true teachings of Muhammad. This can be read from the whole relationship of this Quranic verse starting with verses 7 to 13.

So it is also clear, that the verse of the Quran s. Al Maidah 13 cannot be used as an argument to reject biblical truth.

There are still many passages of the Al-Quran that are in line with the example above which was interpreted as rejecting the truth of the Bible, I try to understand it honestly so I can assure you that there is not a single verse in the Quran that explicitly says that the Bible (Torah and Gospel ) it has been falsified, altered and others from the original truth.

In the end, I can conclude that what the Quran says in surah Al Maidah 68, s. Al Baqarah 62, Qus. As Sajadah 23, and others that I have mentioned earlier in this testimony, are indeed true and convincing that the Bible (Torah-lnjil) is the truth for everyone who wants to practice religion in the truth according to God's will.


Even though I have been so determined and sure of this truth, and ready to accept the Lord Jesus, as my personal Savior, I have not yet been baptized naturally, due to environmental influences which are a stumbling block. Fear and worry haunt you.

My experience today shows that indeed many people have expressed their desire to accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior, but they often run into the influence of their environment, perhaps because they are reluctant or afraid of their parents, sometimes they are afraid of their employers if they later dismissed. There are also those who collide with the relationship of a future wife who does not want to accept Jesus together, and others there are still many kinds of stumbling blocks that cause a person to stumble over accepting Jesus in his heart.

The influence of the environment, which is frightening and worrying, has indeed been ignored by Jesus himself, as he has expressed in the Gospel of Matthew 10: 34-36. The suffering that may be received by anyone who wants to be a follower of Christ, for example, will be hated by the mother father; family ties will be cut off, even to the point of threatening one's own soul. But for those who are determined without hesitation in accepting Jesus to the throne in his heart, such worry is absolutely unnecessary. Every worry is sure to be resolved by God's help Himself. I have experienced such environmental influences myself. But God, always opens the way.

From 1962 to 1964, I was still doing twin worship, namely praying in Islam and going to the mosque every Friday, also going to church every Sunday, and Saturday to the Adventist Church.

My going to church at that time was not yet a conviction, but more of an investigation of the truth. Because I often read descriptions of non-Christians who say that in the Church it is idolatrous worship, such as statues and so on. Because of that I go to all the churches that are around Jakarta and change every week, even I often do it in one Sunday that I visit two or three churches to prove whether there is really idolatry in the form of: statues or other objects. .

Finally, I can conclude and prove that my assumption is completely untrue. Because every church I visit, there has never been such worship.

So since 1964, my souls have been filled with the Spirit of God's calling, namely the Spirit of truth or the Holy Spirit. Therefore, at that moment I was able to accept Jesus as my personal Savior so confidently. But there are still weaknesses, namely that I have not dared to declare myself openly. I still keep my Christianity a secret. I have gone to the GKI Church. For the first time, Kwitang asked that I be baptized in secret, because I didn't want my family to know about it, including my wife.

I don't know exactly who the Church officials were. However, my special request was rejected on the grounds that there were no baptisms in secret.

A few weeks later, with the same intention I went to meet the pastor J. Sapulete, Jatinegara Bethel Church. I will soon be baptized, as long as I bring 2 or 3 neighbor witnesses of Christian believers, who will be able to supervise and lead so that I can live a truly Christian life. Of course, I could not accept this condition, because I still could not openly declare myself a Christian. This is due to the influence of the environment, especially the family and household itself, which I thought would cause a reaction of opposition or disconnection from the family and others. I am afraid to talk about Christianity with my wife, because I think it will cause chaos in the household.

I was afraid to invite my wife to go to church, because if she did, she would invite me to the Penghulu to get a divorce. I was scared to face the divorce. That is why I want to accept this Jesus Christ only secretly.

But my soul has not changed yet. I do not hesitate to accept Jesus Christ.

I no longer worship in twins, but have united only to the Church. But I still have fears and worries about family reactions. I do not know for sure how to overcome this difficulty. Also I have never come to anyone too to ask for advice or views on this matter. My struggle at that time really felt very heavy.

But the Lord once again opened a way to help solve my struggles. If I thought that if I talked with my wife about converting from Islam to Christianity, it would certainly cause a reaction against the challenge, then God, through my wife herself, the door to this truth was opened.

My wife was given a vision of peace through the light and beauty of the Christmas tree, which at that time was flickering in the homes of many Christian families. It crossed her heart how beautiful life is in a Christian family that she can feel the peace in the serene Christmas carols and the bright Christmas lights that depict the bright life of every Christian family.

To express his heart, my wife and one of my daughters came to me, expressing their desire to become a Christian in a Christian family. This opportunity, of course, I will not ignore.

That's why the next morning, right on Christmas day, I came to see Mr. Pdt. J. Sapulete for the second time, stating that we as a family want to be baptized to receive the Lord Jesus. My request for once, went really well and we as a family were baptized on December 26, 1969 by Mr. Pdt. J. Sapulete, at the GPIB congregation Bethel Church. Koinonia Jatinegara, my wife and I with 7 children. Another child followed a week later. It seems that even my son, who has been to church often, but is secretly afraid of being discovered by his father. And I went to church afraid my wife and children would find out. So we went to church to hide each other apparently.

Praise God, because in the end they are all followers of Christ, accepting and placing Jesus Christ on the throne in each of us.

Abundant blessings.


After my family and I were baptized on December 26, 1969, our household atmosphere changed dramatically which is joyful and full of joy. Many blessings we receive and feel in the form of life and life changes.

The Apostle Paul said:

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

When a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, God makes a change in his life. The nature of Christ was introduced into him. The Bible says: "You are part of the divine nature". This new quality produces new likes, new desires, new dislikes, new love. Things that a person used to love, now he hates, and things he used to hate, now he loves. Her life has changed. This change is also visible in life outwardly to someone, and will be shown to those around him. His whole outlook will be changed, and this will bring about a change in what he says and speaks. How miraculous!

I have experienced and felt these changes entirely in our lives and the lives of our family in a very short time. The temper tantrum disappears and is gradually replaced by love. Our spiritual life can feel relief and a sense of happy peace. Feelings of doubt and doubt are gone. Our souls are feeling steady and full of joy. Likewise, our physical life experiences a very real change in the form of abundant blessings.

This experience proves the truth of God's promises made by Jesus Christ.

"Whoever is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scriptures say:" From his heart will flow streams of living water. "(John 7: 37-3Cool

Jesus said:

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. '' (John 10: 10b).

But our very real and rapid change in our household life has become a slander. Our neighbors and even our own family thought, we got help from the Church in return for us becoming Christians. Often people convey our ears to people who say: "If you want to get rich quick, follow the attitude of Mr. Ambrie tuh, be a Christian, will receive the support of the Church of millions of rupiah" and others- another.

They think that the change in our abundant life is solely due to a gift from the Church, as a reward for becoming a Christian. Not! Absolutely not! We have never received a penny from the Church or from someone personally as a reward for persuading us to accept Christ, either in the form of money, or in the form of other materials or promises of work and so on. What a change in our abundant life at that time, was solely because of the blessing of God's grace, which had been promised that all the believers would be given abundance.


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